Tuesday, July 15, 2008

五分鐘 III


可算遺憾 孤清裡定會找到美感 怎去除掉 驚喜中的驚震
哪樣搏到豁免 凡事亦會有美麗裡缺憾

可算成就 得到世俗的歡呼讚好 苦笑道哪樣堪稱最好
從不敢傾訴 在暗地發現痛 哪一位知道

人前人後跌蕩 如爬高在看 發覺我沒法勝寒
然而回到家中攀上睡床 仍然難敵我心魔

誰都會累 誰知抱著這夢想都很畏懼 恐怕說下去
如風光 得到總可失去 無餘力怎麼去追
如撐過後 難掩飾心虛 我出手潑我冷水
難進退 彷彿怎麼都失據 幸運亦不對
對雜物承認我怕 害怕五分鐘都...太累



Nobody can deny that you do what you do with your heart.
You might say that it's not enough, but it's the most precious
element that a musician can possess. And you have it~

Befriend fear, but don't talk to it too much. It's there to help you face it, but don't let it take over. 'Cause you're the one
in charge~

Believe in yourself, and let yourself be believed. ^-^


"Who believes in Blueair?"
Siuwun: "Me! Me! MEEE!!"

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